Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Confessional

I would have been a good Catholic.  I like order and requirements and formality.  I need structure that is so often lacking in the modern Protestant tradition of America. 

I am perhaps my own best critic, but it would be nice to be able to cleanse my inner being and share my own self-inflicted wounds to another human and receive absolution and needed penance.  Our notion of personal confession often pushes sin deeper into the interior rather than catheterizing ones soul.  I need a community of faith to hold me accountable and to help me recover from my tendency to beat myself up. 

I need a confessor.  Anybody up for the job?

1 comment:

  1. I'm always here, but I probably won't hold you accountable for much. If you need an ear, I have two of them. If you a bullwhip, I've just got a bunch of flowers.
