Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Chapter 13-The Discipline of Celebration

I have recently read "The Purpose of Christmas" by Rick Warren, and I am using it as the outline for my Christmas messages this season.  I was shocked when I contemplated Warren's first "purpose."  He states that Christmas is a time of celebration.  Don't get me wrong I know that Christmas is the time where we "celebrate" the birth of Christ, but do we really?

My congregation will host a living nativity this Friday where we reinact much of the birth narrative of Jesus.  We have a bunch of animals including my favorite-the little known Christmas llama.  We have gifts and goodies. Activities for the kids, wassail for us all, snow if God blesses, and carols galore.  But do we celebrate?

When I was a kid I can remember celebrating Washington and Lincoln's birthdays in February.  Once President's Day replaced those holidays, I rarely remember a commotion about the births of the men that day is set to honor.  Don't get me wrong.  I don't remember grand celebrations about their births, but I do remember that we celebrated them.

When was the last time you celebrated with your church family?  I can think of weddings, funerals, mortgage burnings, new building openings, but they are all connected with a specific event.  When was the last time that celebration broke out during worship? 

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