Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Group Guidance

It is an amazing thing to watch as God works through a group of people.  My experience this weekend has reaffirmed my faith in God's ability to lead and our ability to follow.  I have a specific issue in mind where no answers have been determined, but I know God is involved. 

When was the last time you remember God being involved?  What made that fact so clear?  What tangible evidence do you have that He was involved in the process?

I know God was involved primarily because of the peace I have.  There is no other good answer for why I should have peace about that issue right now, but I do.  Secondarily, the group's perspective seemed  to shift during the discussion.  I don't mean there was a drastic shift; it was definite and deepened.  The thought and tenor of the discussion reflected the Father's concern over this issue.  It was wonderful participating in this event.

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