Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Yesterday was one of the most complicated days of my life.  There was a big blow up with my son.  There were doctors appointments.  There was work.  There was family.  There was working out the family dynamics.  There was . . .

I had an AT&T guy try to switch us over to their phone, tv, internet service for an hour.  I couldn't have him sit down in the living room because we have a bunch of stuff to sell sitting in there.  He couldn't sit at the dinner table as he came to the door as we were finishing dinner.  I decided then and there that, although I have been decluttering my life, I have not gone far enough. 

The clutter of life distracts from the important stuff of life.  Have you ever noticed that clutter clutters and time wasters waste time.  I am ready to be free of all that.  I have tried to make the move surgically.  One little bit at a time.  I think I am going to throw the baby out with the bath water and just cleanse.  After parent/teacher conferences tonight, I am going to purge!

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